Tuesday, January 15, 2008

First night

In fact, most of this covers less than twelve hours after I arrived on the island. I got there just in time for a fry up, which was well overdue as I was starving to death. After having wandered around the site and met a few new faces, eventually Harry showed up and suggested I had a beer to sort out my jet lag. After about eight beers at the clubhouse, we went into town, to a place called 'Georges' which was owned by a guy called....George. We were pretty pissed, and said we weren't going to stay long. One of the waitresses said she'd undo a shirt button for every beer I drank. Bad call, still, she learnt a valuable lesson. If she had kept her promise, she would have had to have removed her skin. Long story short, as it seems a bit hazy to me anyway, drank another 10-12 beers and got a taxi home. Wasn't drunk enough so emptid my fridge and drak them too. The great thing about Bintang Beer is that, maybe because of the formaldehyde, it doesn't seem to hang you over. Admittedly, I slept all through Sunday, but I put that down to the jet-lag. All the guys were worried about me as they had just left me in town to sort myself out. What a fucking night! Was great fun, got chatted up by barmaids, started a fight with a Norwegian, and ate pizza! Nuff said.


1 comment:

Number One Guv'nor said...

Nobody ever comments. It is beginning to hurt my feelings!

The usual rubbish, just a little more often. Please feel free to dig through the archives. There's some odd stuff, some utter crap, and some stuff that even worries me. But life is far too short to worry about it. Enjoy.