Friday, January 25, 2008

Succesful day

Spent the last two days buying and fitting new speaker setup for the pool and pool table area. Bought 4 brand new Aiwa speakers for equivalent of about £12.50 and they sound excellent. We now have tunes all the way around the pool, and hardcore is the name of the game. Well, some of the time. Bit nerve-wracking, as the biggest investor is due in about an hour, and at some point soon I will have to make some sort of presentation to justify my pitiful wages. Unfortunately, or luckily depending on your point of view,the electricity has gone, so I cannot print anything off at this exact moment. Dodged a bullet for an hour at least. Nothing to do now but sit around the pool. Bummer!
On the down side, I have made myself pretty unpopular with the security staff, as I wandered into the security hut to find the key bunch just left on the desk where anyone could nick them, including myself. So I did. That was three days ago, and not one of the security staff mentioned the fact that no-one knew where the keys were, so gave them all verbal warnings. Shame, as I used to get on with them, now they're not so keen on me. Still, shit happens.
Right, its hotand still no electricity, so off for a swim.


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The usual rubbish, just a little more often. Please feel free to dig through the archives. There's some odd stuff, some utter crap, and some stuff that even worries me. But life is far too short to worry about it. Enjoy.