Friday, May 30, 2008

Nothing like Fear and Loathing

This week has been tricky. Monday had loads planned, but achieved nothing at all when the driver decided he was too sick. Harry was in Singapore in meetings. The next morning I was doing the driver's job of tending to Harry's beck and call. Luckily, I love driving, so it wasn't too arduous. When the end of the day swung around, I really fancied a beer, so got in, cracked open a bottle and sat on the porch. Now I have been without running water for ages, and I stunk, it was hot, sweaty and generally shit. I decided to go across the road and get a poolside suite at the Harris Resort opposite, as we had a corporate rate there. A bath has never felt so good. After a bath, I ordered a beer and went for a swim. Hit the bar afterwards and totally humiliated myself doing karaoke, then shuffled off to bed, falling over at some point as I now have a huge gash on my knee. The next day I was determined to sort out the water at the house. To do this I had to contact a mutual friend of mine and the landlords. Unfortunately, he is a bit of a pisshead. I turned up at the restaurant he was at, to have a cold beer thrust into my hand. The day went downhill from there. Needless to say I got hammered, and the following day, cursed myself and prayed for death. This was Thursday, and I had eaten nothing since Tuesday morning. I took another room at the Harris, and tried to sleep it off. Now, as I faded in and out of consciousness I kept having this semi-nightmare that I was being attacked by bloody great black lizards. They kept biting my hands, but they didn't really hurt. Really weird as it kept happening every time I dozed off. Anyway, next morning, was out and about working, and had to go back to the house, and fuck me if there wasn't one of these bloody great lizards at the side of the road staring at me. Scared the bijesus out of me. Malicious looking bastard I tried getting a picture of him, but he gave me a scornful look and buggered off.

Never drinking again.

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The usual rubbish, just a little more often. Please feel free to dig through the archives. There's some odd stuff, some utter crap, and some stuff that even worries me. But life is far too short to worry about it. Enjoy.