Thursday, May 22, 2008

Sincere apologies

I realise that it has been quite a while since I last posted, but have been pretty damn busy. Firstly, I have quit job at the appartment complex. I am helping a friend with his company for the time being. There are some plusses with this. The obvious one is that I no longer have to worry about menus, rotas, and the suchlike. Downside is that I no longer have a full-time income, and I have to keep doing the infernal visa run to Singapore every four weeks. Have been mooching round shipyards and construction sites quite a bit, and have increased my knowledge of the gas and oil industries by about 400%, which is always good. As ever, have not let the threat of poverty and homelessness stand in the way of having some fun.
Every weekend, Harry and I, and his brood of kids go to the best resort on the island to get drunk and swim. We try to fit in at least one other activity as well. Last time we decided to have a go on their gun range. I spoke to the guy to arrange it, and he disappeared for ten minutes. When he returned, he was carrying two MP5 submachine guns! The poster had said 100 rounds for $10 so I was fucking astounded. I had a severe hangover, and there's a guy in front of me with two guns and two magazines with 9mm rounds clearly showing. What were they thinking? He led Harry, me, and the whole family up to a patch of snake infested wasteground behind the resort proper, and puts up our targets for us. He kept hold of the mags while he was doing this, and left the guns on the range table. I picked one up, and it was heavy as hell. I was beginning to get a little concerned that these really were the real deal, and was aprehensive as we had no ear protection. I tried cocking the fucker, and, thank god, it wouldn't shift. They were replicas after all, and the 9mm rounds I had seen on the magazines slid back, and you filled it up with BB pellets. Still bloody good fun, as they were fully automatic. When you sqeezed, a stream of ball bearings went flying off down the range. Totally immature and a waste of cash and time, but what a laugh!

Have been busy doing other shit too, almost as much fun, but buggered if I can remember it with enough clarity to recount. As it comes back to me, I will post it.

Take care.

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The usual rubbish, just a little more often. Please feel free to dig through the archives. There's some odd stuff, some utter crap, and some stuff that even worries me. But life is far too short to worry about it. Enjoy.