Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Sick of it

Why is it that insects keep killing themselves around me. Woke up this morning to sign out the keys, and there is a cockie about an inch and a half long led with his legs in the air, dead as a suicidal cockroach.
Stop press. Just tried to take a photo of the little bugger, and his fucking antennae have started waving round! Cockroaches are spooky! There are rumours that they can reanimate themselves and shit! Have done the manly thing and popped a glass over him so the maids can deal with him later.
Aaaargh, the fucker is seriously twitching and coming back to life! I am outta here

Monday, January 28, 2008

Dunno how that happened

Discovered late last night that I have an unholy burn down my right leg. After a few conversations I realised that the preceding evening, despite, for all intents and purposes, being incapable of constructing a sentence or indeed standing upright, the guy I was drinking with, in an attempt to ensure my safety, put me on the back of a motorcycle taxi. The theory is that I quite probably spent the entire journey home inadvertantly resting my leg against the exhaust pipe! So apart from that, and attempting to start a fight with an american three times my size, I am doing okay.
Bit pissed off that one of the hard drives, the one with the majority of information on it, that I looked after so carefully seems to now be unrecognisable to my computer. I take that back, I am REALLY pissed of. Oh yeah, and or some reason, the memory card in my palmtop has wiped itself clean. I dunno why I bother with computers.

I feel a little put out

I am sat overlooking the pool, and a a long red centipede came a-wandering along the top of the railing. Odd looking fucker, walked liked speeded up stop motion animation. I was kinda intrigued so watched him as he trotted happily towards me. Then, for some reason, he got level with me, then threw himself off the balcony, plunging what must have been a million centipedey metres to the granite tiles beneath. You can't help but feel a little bit offended. What isit about me that pushes mere inects into an quick orgy of self-destruction? Still, fuck him, kids are a pain in the arse, wife's on the sauce, poor bastard, better off dead.

Friday, January 25, 2008

Succesful day

Spent the last two days buying and fitting new speaker setup for the pool and pool table area. Bought 4 brand new Aiwa speakers for equivalent of about £12.50 and they sound excellent. We now have tunes all the way around the pool, and hardcore is the name of the game. Well, some of the time. Bit nerve-wracking, as the biggest investor is due in about an hour, and at some point soon I will have to make some sort of presentation to justify my pitiful wages. Unfortunately, or luckily depending on your point of view,the electricity has gone, so I cannot print anything off at this exact moment. Dodged a bullet for an hour at least. Nothing to do now but sit around the pool. Bummer!
On the down side, I have made myself pretty unpopular with the security staff, as I wandered into the security hut to find the key bunch just left on the desk where anyone could nick them, including myself. So I did. That was three days ago, and not one of the security staff mentioned the fact that no-one knew where the keys were, so gave them all verbal warnings. Shame, as I used to get on with them, now they're not so keen on me. Still, shit happens.
Right, its hotand still no electricity, so off for a swim.


Sunday, January 20, 2008


Have spent a lot of the last week looking after a couple of relatives of one of the investors. They are the guy's sister and her son. Just a few pix of what we've been up to.

Messenger on the move… Text MSN to 63463 now!

Friday, January 18, 2008


Just a quick, and lets face it, uninspiring and wholly predictable post to mention how damned hot it is today. I couldn't tell you exactly how hot, but the temperature in the office was 25 degrees C, and went you walked in there, it was like going into a walk-in fridge. We must have been talking 35+ in the shade. It's absolutely fantastic. I promise I will post some more piccies, but having difficulty finding a card reader.

P.S. Pissed off that nobody ever leaves a comment, yez bastards.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Could have been worse

Yesterday I did what I had been dreading since getting here. And worse than that I had to do it with a hangover! Not only did I have to drive in Indonesia for the first time ever, but I had to do it in an automatic. Now you would think that it would be an easy switch going from a manual to an auto, and I certainly take on board that it must be easier than the vice versa, but bit heavy when you're hungover. I had to take the admin lass down to the bank and she was a little shocked when I got to the peak of the first hill and went to cover the clutch, found that there wasn't one, hit the brake, and shot poor Mawa into the windscreen. Short learning curve, so tucked my left foot under the seat for the rest of the journey. I have said it before, but this is how god meant us to drive, no real rules, no lines on the road, and always driving within less than a foot of another vehicle. Usually a moped. The whole experience was a lot more fun than I thought it would be, although I would be a lot more fun in the Frontera. The bloody great kijang (it's an eight-seater SUV) has only a 1600cc engine, so it's a little sluggish. I need a nice Toyota 4x4 or a Pajero, that would be the shit! Now all I need is enough money to afford to get my computer out of the impound, and enough to keep me constantly drunk, then I can afford a Pajero.

Bugger. Oh well.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

First night

In fact, most of this covers less than twelve hours after I arrived on the island. I got there just in time for a fry up, which was well overdue as I was starving to death. After having wandered around the site and met a few new faces, eventually Harry showed up and suggested I had a beer to sort out my jet lag. After about eight beers at the clubhouse, we went into town, to a place called 'Georges' which was owned by a guy called....George. We were pretty pissed, and said we weren't going to stay long. One of the waitresses said she'd undo a shirt button for every beer I drank. Bad call, still, she learnt a valuable lesson. If she had kept her promise, she would have had to have removed her skin. Long story short, as it seems a bit hazy to me anyway, drank another 10-12 beers and got a taxi home. Wasn't drunk enough so emptid my fridge and drak them too. The great thing about Bintang Beer is that, maybe because of the formaldehyde, it doesn't seem to hang you over. Admittedly, I slept all through Sunday, but I put that down to the jet-lag. All the guys were worried about me as they had just left me in town to sort myself out. What a fucking night! Was great fun, got chatted up by barmaids, started a fight with a Norwegian, and ate pizza! Nuff said.


Saturday, January 12, 2008


Its half eight in the morning, and I am sat in harbour waiting to leave for Batam. I have a feeling this will be a choppy crossing, as we are bouncing up and down, and we haven't even cast off yet.
Flight was actually not too bad. Just under 24 hours, I think, as abu dhabi to singapore was an hour quicker than expected. The hotel I stay at has gone down in my estimation now I realise that it really is a brothel. There were still hookers outside at seven/eight o'clock in the morning.
Driving to the hotel from the airport last night, I would swear fucking blind that I saw a taxi go past with a baby seat on its roof. Empty of course, but I would bet my balls on it. Didn't want to draw attention to it, just in case it was normal practise.
I cannot believe how much this boat is moving about. There must be a metre change in height on my side. Hopefully will get to send this off at the other end, if I don't end up drownded.

The usual rubbish, just a little more often. Please feel free to dig through the archives. There's some odd stuff, some utter crap, and some stuff that even worries me. But life is far too short to worry about it. Enjoy.