Monday, June 23, 2008

This is weird

I have been doing the occasional night shift at work, which mainly involves me turning up at about 8pm, staying for a bit, and then buggering off back home for a few hours sleep before coming back in for the morning. Last night, however, there was the strangest noise coming from the edges of the site. Now I am pretty sure that it is a frog of some description, but it is weird as you like.
Click on that, or the title to hear it. You will have to turn up the volume or use headphones, as I recorded it on my phone. Welcome to the oddity that is the night time aural vista.


Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Not again

Yet again I am at the mercy of a lunatic driver! My fault I guess. I did tell him to hurry. At least I know the guy, and he is a pretty good driver, apart from the guy he killed about four months ago, but that was probably not his fault. The worst bit is that I am totally desperate for a squirt and without a toilet, and this guy flying over potholes at an impressive fraction of the speed of sound, my bladder is gonna make its own arrangements.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Pain in the arse


I have now moved out of the hotel and into a new house in the middle of the island. The downside of this is that I have no fucking idea where the damn place is. I have so far got lost every time I have try to get to or from the place. It is in the middle of nowhere, and all the roads look identical, so it is pretty easy to drive off down the wrong one and end up lost as hell.

It is not a bad house, three bedrooms, big living room, and a huge kitchen. Downside is that there is no hot water, and the air conditioning unit is not hardy enough to keep the living room cool.


Sunday, June 08, 2008

No shit

I will be honest, I am fearing for my life at this moment. I am in a taxi that I have been waiting over an hour for. And within 500 yards of leaving, there is a godawful rattling like a flat tyre. Turns out his wheel is falling off! He drives like a nutter and have about a half hour journey. I am fucking terrified, and I am only writing this email to take my mind off the journey. Besides, this might be my epitaph. We have now got to the seriously bumpy road, but at least he might slow down! Wanted to be at home in bed asleep by now. Instead I am risking my life in a cab driven by a guy who speaks no english, very little indonesian,and was stupid enough to drive to the wrong end of the island to pick me up. I have never been a fan of seatbelts, as you know, but I would kill for one now, but no such luck. Nearly there. The irony is that I have to part with cash to pay this lunatic for the privilege of damn near killing me! Not to mention my laundry bill!

Friday, June 06, 2008

Something new

I am completely knackered but also starving to death, so have had to wake up enough to order room service, so thought I would lay on a mini post while I wait for them to arrive. Hopefully they will make it before I eat myself from the inside!

Thursday, June 05, 2008

Death by Cigarettes

Have wandered off to a local bar, much cheaper than the hotel, and almost bought 400 cigarettes! In a spate of sudden English i asked for 20 marlboro light, and that means twenty packets, not twenty cigarettes! Shit, would still have been cheaper than a carton in the uk by a shit load. Am sat by the marina overlooking the boat we were thinking about buying, and they have just taken out a load of Chinese girls on it! Can’t but help being a little disturbed about the amount of smoke coming off it. Still looks kinda nice though. Especially full of teenage girls. Just spoke to Harry and he reckons that it will be worth the money now for the seats alone!






Fat horrible chinese kid

I thought it was funny! Although you may have to look at the fullsize image to appreciate it.

Business sense

Now this has always done my head in. This is taken at a busy crossroads, and
it doesn't really give you an idea of scale. There is a line about 300 yards
of identical shops, all selling identical products. When they see that one
guy is making money, they move in and do exactly the same next to him! And
it keeps growing. And they must all make enough cash to get by. It is the
same in the city though. You have a street of tailors and a street of
electrical retailers and in fact there is a mall completely full of stalls
all selling the same stuff. Fucked up and weird!

Circle K

Local amenities.

Des Res

Rural location 3bed, kit, din, airy bthrm. Only £2.50. Serious buyers only.

It's up his trunk!


This one was about half a metre long!


All the fishy piccies are at a restaurant where the fish are out the back in
these keep nets, and you pick which one you fancy, and ten minutes later he
is on a plate for your delight and delectation. Cool. Eating Nemo.




Nonggsa Beach


Some more piccies

In case you hadn’t guessed, I have fuck all to do!





Another half day!

Had a hectic morning trying like hell to get some sort of internet connection going on in the office, when, at about 9am, only just over an hour since we got to work, the site manager knocked on the door to inform me that the site was closing as of 10 o’clock due to a fatality the previous afternoon. Having found Harry and packed up and got the fuck out of dodge before the police arrived, it turns out that it had been late evening when one the guys fell off a ladder and led there and bled out while absolutely nobody noticed that he had gone. While this was being discussed, it emerged that at some other point in time, two blokes had been beating the shit out of each other with lengths of scaffold pole and one of them had fifty odd stitches to put his skull back together. So i am back in my hotel room typing this and generally doing homework until the internet connection gives out. I will try and post some piccies from the hotel, but they take 36 hours to upload!

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Natty new uniform

Spent yesterday in bloody Singapore again, but also spent some time in the Creative building, owned by the makers of computer audio equipment of the highest order. Test drove their totally kicking 7.1 speaker system and fuck me it kicked out some. Will get one on pay day, no mistake. Today moved onto my new hotel suite complete with kitchen and living room and two balconies overlooking the sea to Singapore. Got to said room and it turned out to be a single room overlooking the high level assault course. No matter, things will sort themselves out over the next coupla days. I am too tired and sweaty to care. Here is me in my new getup from Sing looking like an overeating doozer. Looking as sexy as one man may dare to. Speak to you all soon.




The usual rubbish, just a little more often. Please feel free to dig through the archives. There's some odd stuff, some utter crap, and some stuff that even worries me. But life is far too short to worry about it. Enjoy.