Thursday, December 30, 2010

Cool cats, as ever

Peace Out

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

The coolest malteser trick so far on vid

I'd like to point out that I was sober.

YouTube Video

I can do two nearly successfully but no video as of yet lol.

Peace out.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Over the top midnight snacking

Having been left with a not insubstantial lump of lamb after chrimble, coupled with all the parsnips and potatoes in my fridge, decided to knock up a mini roast dinner. Invited jon along to help and polish off the extraneous veggies. Admittedly, come 10 pm we had barely made a start, as I had made this groundbreaking decision fairly late in the game.
It was certainly a learning experience.
Firstly probably should have put the five or six potatoes in the smaller roasting tin, and the whole lb of parsnips in the larger one.
Secondly, oven should have been hotter. Maybe. Actually the jury is still out on that.
Coming in at an important thirdly, should have opened the windows, closed the kitchen door, and taken the batteries out of the smoke detector whilst making Yorkshire pud.
Seriously, the whole room was practically filled with smoke so much so that our eyes and throats were stinging.

To be fair though, pretty damn good meal, although it was midnight before plating up.
One of jons yorkies was full of oil, which was kinda entertaining, but it was tasty, and that's the important bit.

Would have posted a pic to accompany this, but had already eaten it before I thought of it.

Peace out.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

It's a trap

If you're interested, the family guy season finale looks like it will be the third star wars spoof, It's a Trap.

Can't wait.

Peace out.

True dat

We've all been there.

Peace out.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Sunday, November 07, 2010

Very bizarre

Short version is:
Jun, me, ex-flashing rubber duck, and proof that LSD stays in your system for quite some time lol.

YouTube Video

Peace out.

Tuesday, November 02, 2010

Pre-game excitement

Pre-game excitement
Originally uploaded by number1guvnor
Wembley has a strict no smoking policy, so how come that's ok? Lol.

NFL London 2010

NFL London 2010
Originally uploaded by number1guvnor
Feeling a little cold and sore after hours of sitting watching the Broncos @ 49ers at this years #nflLondon

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Thank pig for that

I was having some absolutely top-notch, food of the gods sausage and mash, when I started thinking to myself that Asda make the best sossies on the planet.

Having had another succulent bite, I decided that seeing as Asda almost certainly didn't actually make this most meritorious meaty bundle of bangers, my intangible appreciation would best be directed to the manufacturer, whosoever they might be.
Ruminating further, the maker only really needed to basically repackage flesh and a little chilli into an intestine or two. Maybe the farmer is the hero I'm looking for? To be fair, the agriculturist has really done nothing more than provide a pastoral setting in which the pre-food is able to run about in, something which they would probably manage without the intercedence of a bucolic labourer.
This entire train of thought basically leads me to postulate that the praise and adulation should really be directed to Babe, and his porcine buddies, who made up 80% of the sossie content of my meal.

So hurrah and huzzah for those little piggies who went wee wee wee all the way to my stomach.

Peace out.

Friday, October 29, 2010


Those malignant bastards at Pringles have been making such a big hooha about having 90 crisps in each tub. What they're trying to avoid mentioning is that they have reduced the contents by about 20% while keeping the price the same.

If you look closely at the pack in the piccy, they used to be 200g and my pack here is only 163g. I feel cheated.

Peace out, and just say pringles

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Camper test

Decided to take the van for a run, to check how she was with some of the changes I had made. First corner out, and the ps3 came flying out of it's new home, closely followed by the sky HD box. Not an auspicious start. The rest of the journey was fairly uneventful, getting me onsite just before the office shut. Asked for a pitch facing a certain way, so I could point the satellite in the right direction. Got to my pitch, satellite pointed in the right direction, so settled down and got my key for the gate. Spent ten minutes in the cold repeatedly swivelling the damn thing about, until I realised that the trees were blocking my line of sight.
So telly was out. Decided to heat up the curry I had brought with me, only to discover that I had no rice. Gutted and feeling disheartened, cycled to the nearest hotel and am now sat in the bar having a well-earned bottle of peroni. Really nice hotel, shame about the skanks and scum.

Peace out.

Location:Alresford Rd,,United Kingdom

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Dancing Jeween

Stuck at the doctors waiting to be seen and they're playing dancing queen on the radio. Find it disturbing that the first thing I think of is Matt while I listen to it.

Peace out.

Location:Eastleigh,United Kingdom

Friday, August 20, 2010

Just found this funny

Click on the title or copy and paste this address:

Love it

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Fingers crossed

Hopefully this should be the aforementioned vid of us with some burny flying stuff. If not, then what the hell.

YouTube Video

Well here goes lol.

Peace out.

Sunday, July 04, 2010

Yet another iPhone app

Testing yet another probably useless iPhone app, just in the hope that it might spur me into posting on here more often. We will see.
We shall see exactly how well it works, although I gotta admit, I'm not optimistic.

There's me and a horse, and the vid above, which probably won't work, is a burny lantern flying type thingy.

Anyway, here goes!

The usual rubbish, just a little more often. Please feel free to dig through the archives. There's some odd stuff, some utter crap, and some stuff that even worries me. But life is far too short to worry about it. Enjoy.