Sunday, July 13, 2008

I don't know what it is, but it isn't a fish

Went out yesterday to buy a new bass amp for Harry, so he could upset his neighbours by turning it up very loudly in the back garden, which is, of course, what we did. But to the point, on the way to the music shop, I was driving in and out of the motorbikes who were weaving all over the road, and one of them was calmly shaking a fish at me with previously unregarded nonchalance. It is a common gesture from motorbike pillions, who lazily flap their arms when they are basically cutting you up or pulling out into a stream of traffic that is moving at a good 80 mph, as this stops anyone from hitting them!?! Why this is, I have yet to discover, although it does seem to work, after a fashion. Pedestrians also use this amazing life-saving trick, and I was no slouch at using it myself when in Surabaya. In fact I got so used to just stepping out into moving traffic and just waving my hand a little to protect myself, that when I got back to the UK I walked out onto St George’s Street in Winch attempting the same procedure, and was luckily dragged back out of the road before I was mown down. But I have to say, that I never felt the need to add a fish to my repertoire to maintain my road safety.

I wish I could have got a picture of the guy, but I nearly ran myself off the road where I was laughing so much.


Ok not the most interesting  item in the entire world, but you had to be there.




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The usual rubbish, just a little more often. Please feel free to dig through the archives. There's some odd stuff, some utter crap, and some stuff that even worries me. But life is far too short to worry about it. Enjoy.