Thursday, March 27, 2008


Every damned time this happens. I get on a plane, and I have a bank of three seats, with no-one Sat with me. So I sit there, basically imagining how great it is gonna feel stretched out sleeping on these seats. Then the last person to get on the plane, usually just as the doors are closing, comes and sits next to me.

Addendum. When I got up just after this guy arrived, got himself comfortable, and then decided that he wanted the toilet, I noticed that the plane is nearly empty, so as soon as the seatbelt sign went out, I rushed back and found a spare bank of three.

Goodnight folks

Odd really

Never really been sure why they give you ice-cream for breakfast on these flights to Singapore. Its not one of my usual prandial practices.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008


I know that I haven't posted for ages, and apologise in advance for it being a totally naff one. In the UK there has just been Two and a Half Men weekend showing every single episode from all five series. Unfortunately, due to a bout of food poisoning coupled with a slight hangover meant that I missed the majority of it. So I am sat on the plane, and there's an episode on the playlist. It's a shame really, because everybody is trying to sleep and I am pissing myself laughing and the bloke opposite is looking decidedly unimpressed.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Been a while

Sorry I haven't posted for ages, but been pretty busy. Been to Singapore twice, once just to get to the airport though. I took the Singapore Metro this time, as it is supposed to be cheap, fast, and extremely efficient. Took me an hour and a bloody half to cross the city. Bollocks to that.
Got stuck in Abu Dhabi for twelve and a half hours due to fog. Never want to end up there again. Back in Uk, I have only just got over the stress of Abu Dhabi. Will retrospectively post the other stuff I have been up to when I have the time and enthusiasm.

The usual rubbish, just a little more often. Please feel free to dig through the archives. There's some odd stuff, some utter crap, and some stuff that even worries me. But life is far too short to worry about it. Enjoy.