Thursday, December 06, 2007

Turnup for the plus-fours

Considering I am out here in the middle of the monsoon season, I guess I was just lucky in having to wait all this time before it utterly pissed it down like this. The swimming pools have overflowed, and the hill just behind my room looks like it's eroding at a fair old lick. Today I also found out that there was a cobra that used to live in the drain behind my room. Cool as fuck! At one of the apartments they are constructing they found the skin of a python in the roof space about a metre and a half long. But luckily no spiders of any import. Saw the cutest ginger kitty yesterday, although it was probably rabid. The rain is actually easing off a wee bit now. The Indonesians have this weird thing about getting their head's wet. You see them wandering around with boxes on their heads, or carrier bags. If they're on a moped, it is not unusual for them to be under an umbrella at the same time.
Bless the security guy though. When I leave the apartments, he offers to escort me under a brolly across to the bar. They don't seem to understand that, as a lifelong UK resident, rain doesn't bother me too much.

Hoorah, the rain has finally stopped. I wasn't looking forward to getting the boat to Singapore in a storm. Hopefully it won't be back for Saturday, cos I don't fancy that much. The boat out here was bouncy enough, and it was sunny as hell then. In a lightening storm doesn't sound nearly as pleasant. And now I think about it, taking off from Sillypore in a thunderstorm doesn't exactly sound enticing either. At least if I die in a plane crash I can take comfort in the fact.....nope, I got nothing. Think I will skip on the whole dying in a plane thing, thank you so very much. I'll jump straight to the happily ever after.


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The usual rubbish, just a little more often. Please feel free to dig through the archives. There's some odd stuff, some utter crap, and some stuff that even worries me. But life is far too short to worry about it. Enjoy.