Friday, December 07, 2007

Back again

Well, the sun is back out, and yet again, it is before ten am and it is 30 degrees. Not too sure about my early morning swim though, as the wate seems freezing. Haven't swum for a couple of day though, so I oughta. Last night was a fucking disaster, after trawling a couple of malls to find some bargains, Harry had to go and drop off some medicine to one of his wife's friends. Now they live in the middle of nowhere. It was about ten minutes down a dirt track til we found the place. When we got there, harry has jumped out and got the driver to turn it round. Unfortunately, as we are in the middle of nowhere, and there are no street lights, he reverses into a ditch, made nicely half full of water due to the rain of the last two days. Also, sadly, this huge 4x4 that we had been driving around in urns out not to be so much a 4x4, and more of a rear wheel drive. Even with Harry and my weight on the back wheels, all we did was spin. So we hop out to have a look at what we can do, and I am immediately warned about snakes andreminded hat only four minutes earlier Harry had been telling me that last time he was down here, he saw a cobra fighting with a dog. One by one ltarted materialising out of the darkness, like skinny brown wraiths, but bless them, they were all there to help. Even so, I couldn't help thinking that we were miles from anywhere in a place where the police would never come to, so felt a little twinge of concern. Harry kept asking me to scour the wasteland for bits of rock and timber, and I carefully filed this request in the same mental drawer as 'for gods sake look out for cobras', and told him to fuck off. Luckily the kids wer all more tha happyto risk rummaging around in the gloom, waiting for a hiss and needle-prick that would end up leaving their arms looking like a basketball sized blood blister. After an hour of repeatedly jacking up the car and forcing stuff under the chassis, we were ready for another crack at it. Joining in at the rear, we rocked the thing back and forth until the damned thing got some grip. In the process, however, the wheels spinning in a foot of mud, water, and urine from the little boy who peed in it while e were there, sprayed up covering everyone, especially me, in a kind of loam pate.
After this fairly death defying experience, I got back to the club determined to have a beer, to find that all the staff had been sent home early. So I raided my fridge and drank the bintang in there while nattering on MSN.
Have just had my morning swim, and the combination of heavy rainfall, coupled with two days of no sun meant that the pool was a little on the chiily side. There were Inuit hunting seal near the deep end. Didn't stop me from doing an entire length before my limbs went numb.


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The usual rubbish, just a little more often. Please feel free to dig through the archives. There's some odd stuff, some utter crap, and some stuff that even worries me. But life is far too short to worry about it. Enjoy.