Friday, October 26, 2007

Another weird dream

We were all trapped in a sort of low beamed cottage with a huge oak conservatory. My mother was there, and she seemed to be having some sort of fling with Malakai Intakos. Barney and I were playing a playstation in another room. We seemed to be cut off by some sort of storm, although it wasn't raining. The Aga had gone out and there was a huge spider under it. Then a pair of bears started banging on the windows in the conservatory and I went and started slapping the glass to scare them away, and Barney went mental, convinced that although two bears couldn't break the glass, I might break it and let them in.

Then I woke.
I'm gonna stop havin jalepeno and cheese sarnies before bed.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Well weird dream.

Well, I was dreaming that my mother had bought a house on Alresford road, but it was on a slope, so I couldn't get to sleep in it. Theliving room was on the outside, and there were only two rooms, a toilet with a folding door and a bedroom. Then, after getting refused at a party at Simon's flat on Colebrook street, I ended up in a pub in Bristol with Wes and Jodie and Jon. Wes was only drinking virtual drinks but ended up paralytic,so we had to drag him out of the place, incidentally falling over a table with Simon and his party sat at it, including Michael Burke. As we staggered through the booze mall the pub had been situated, we went past a cabaret pub where all the staff were dancing outside, so Jodie pulled us to one side to show us a shortcut through a fire escape, and when I walked through it, she slammed it behind me, and I found myself in an enclosed loading bay, looking a lot like the loading bay at the Bargate Centre, and I couldn't get out. Then the theme to The Antiques Roadshow came blaring out, and I woke up.

Just felt I ought to share that

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

A quick experiment

I'm not entirely sure but I think I am able to publish direct to my blog. I can't really remember how it is done but I'm sure that it is possible. In all fairness, not like I've had anything interesting to write for about the last three weeks. Actually, that is not strictly true, I have had interesting things to write about them but I just could not be bothered.

So, for the record, I have also dictated to this entire blog using the built in voice recognition software that comes with vista. It is actually quite good, certainly beats the shit out of the one that came with XP. Okay then, I guess I'd better see whether or not this will publish. God bless office 2007! It's the shit!

The usual rubbish, just a little more often. Please feel free to dig through the archives. There's some odd stuff, some utter crap, and some stuff that even worries me. But life is far too short to worry about it. Enjoy.