Monday, March 11, 2013


Another test

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Just something that made me smoke

I actually wanted to say it made me smile, but iPhone autocorrect changed it and I thought it was kinda funny.

In my defense it's nearly 4am

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Ambivalent feelings lol

Well yesterday was an ambivalent day. Having picked up the first short run of Oxboxes, there are still a few issues that need ironing out, including getting packaging. So anyone who knows a good cardboard box company, please let me know.

Returned home to get the van fixed and although we (I mean Dave really lol) got it to start, the new axle that I bought to replace the half shaft luckily has turned out to be a genuine Bedford CF axle, but the axle actually attached to the van seems to be from another van entirely >.<
Despite these things, I'm going into the day with a kinda benign feeling of optimism. Let's see what the day will bring :)

YouTube Video

Good to hear her running again tho :D

Peace and life and love!

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Important note to self

Well, working on the plumbing, which I'll get to in a sec, and got ravenously hungry. Being always prepared, there was a Pukka Pie in the freezer, so I lobbed it onto a plate and into the microwave for 4 minutes........

So anyways, turns out none of my van crockery is microwaveable lol. Having melted a rather trippy pattern into one of my small melamine plates, I ate the pie anyway, with a smattering of plate flakes and a fine chianti ( finest hannibal lecter lips smack lol)

So having warmed the audience with an anecdote explicitly displaying to the populace how ignorant I am of melamine properties, I shall move to the next order of business, to whit, my freaking water pump is doing my head in!

For the majority of the time it works perfectly, until some moron lets the water tank run out, although in that moron's defence, I don't have a water level monitor on any of my tanks. So last time the tank fell barren, I filled it back up, and ever since then the water pump makes a horrible noise whenever the taps are turned on. It's a pressure activated pump, and self-primes, but just seems to lock a rattly lil bubble in the diaphragm. Anyone any ideas on how to shift it, I've tried some fairly surreal things which I won't share right now lol. That means I'm open to any and all suggestions :)

Sultan of the Slow Lane

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Dream again

I know I haven't posted any of my bizarre dreams for ages, cuz let's face it, the only more boring than people's dreams is people's problems. But this one was a good one. Jun and I were at a seaside town somewhere in Asia where people were continually trying to shoot at me, until they gave up and sent surfing turtles the size of a three bed semi to chase us through the kampung. Then I was knocked out and woke up to be given a job at a bar/workshop where the owners daughter kept swapping from being Asian to being Australian.

Last time I have curry late at night.

Peace out.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Funniest thing ever

Layna was singing in the bath and refused to stop, even after a fair warning. I dangled this round the corner of the door to warn her:

This didn't seem to work so, I just had to.

YouTube Video

Made my day :)

Peace out.

Cow humour

Another homage to the mighty bovine :D

Peace out.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Too cool for school

Been feeling ambivalent about this week, but Saturday is here and it's time to ..... Well, time to do nothing really, as everybody I wanna talk to closes for the weekend.

YouTube Video

The weather has simply been a pain in the arse, I think that was the only sunny day for ages :(

Duke Nukem Forever was released yesterday, and I can't justify spending the money on getting a copy for ps3, and I'm totally gutted about it.
If anybody is feeling generous, they can send me tue money for it lol.

Right, I'm off to have a tinker in my van hehe ;)

Peace out


The usual rubbish, just a little more often. Please feel free to dig through the archives. There's some odd stuff, some utter crap, and some stuff that even worries me. But life is far too short to worry about it. Enjoy.