Thursday, December 30, 2010

Cool cats, as ever

Peace Out

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

The coolest malteser trick so far on vid

I'd like to point out that I was sober.

YouTube Video

I can do two nearly successfully but no video as of yet lol.

Peace out.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Over the top midnight snacking

Having been left with a not insubstantial lump of lamb after chrimble, coupled with all the parsnips and potatoes in my fridge, decided to knock up a mini roast dinner. Invited jon along to help and polish off the extraneous veggies. Admittedly, come 10 pm we had barely made a start, as I had made this groundbreaking decision fairly late in the game.
It was certainly a learning experience.
Firstly probably should have put the five or six potatoes in the smaller roasting tin, and the whole lb of parsnips in the larger one.
Secondly, oven should have been hotter. Maybe. Actually the jury is still out on that.
Coming in at an important thirdly, should have opened the windows, closed the kitchen door, and taken the batteries out of the smoke detector whilst making Yorkshire pud.
Seriously, the whole room was practically filled with smoke so much so that our eyes and throats were stinging.

To be fair though, pretty damn good meal, although it was midnight before plating up.
One of jons yorkies was full of oil, which was kinda entertaining, but it was tasty, and that's the important bit.

Would have posted a pic to accompany this, but had already eaten it before I thought of it.

Peace out.

The usual rubbish, just a little more often. Please feel free to dig through the archives. There's some odd stuff, some utter crap, and some stuff that even worries me. But life is far too short to worry about it. Enjoy.