Monday, September 15, 2008

Pain in the arm

Will try and give you the short version. Had heart palpitating type thing going on so called ambulance. Spent the evenin in Southampton General Hospital to be told that they have no idea what caused it, but not to worry! Anyway, woke up this morning and this was the mess my arm was in.
More later when I feel a little more enthusiastic.

Thursday, September 04, 2008

shifting cactus

Had to move my cactus from my ex-house in the centre, to storage until I have new place to live. It was about 25km in the pissing rain. I will just leave you with the film, as it sort of shows all.

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Food fiasco

I realise that these entries are not in any particular order, I still haven't posted about how I turned a barman gay! Anyway, back to the point. Yesterday was desperately hungry, but could not decide what I wanted. Finally plumped for sausage and mash. Went back to my suite to wait for it, and after half an hour, it still hadn't arrived, so I needed something from reception so went to wander down there. Got to the lift, and it isn't moving from ground floor. A french guy I drink with comes up the stairs, so I ask him if there is a problem with the lift. He says it should be fixed now, a waiter was getting into the lift and the doors closed on him, throwing the tray all over the deck. Just then the lift doors open, and we were greeted by the delicious smell of onion gravy, normally associated with sausage and mash. Sure enough, my fucking meal has been elevatored. Descending to the lobby, mouth a-watering, I wondered how much longer it was gonna take. I strode through to the restaurant just in time to see my food being brought out of the kitchen. Delirious with hunger, and gratitude, we returned to the suite, where I scoffed in no uncertain terms.

Later that day, I bumped into the French bloke, who informed me, that when they were cleaning up the mess, they were chucking the food back onto my plate. So, not only did the little fuckers feed me lift floor food, but they charged me 15 fucking dollars for the privelege. Pissed off!

P.S. Since Barney left, weather has been great. Ain't that about a bitch!

Monday, September 01, 2008

A bit of catch-up

Not too sure where to start, so will attempt some form of logical order.
Ok, couldn't think of any logical way of doing it, so will just crack on regardless. Firstly, Barney has been over for a visit. I made the schlep over to Singapore to meet him from the airport, and I hired us a limo to have a mooch around the city. The driver was nice enough and was a good tour guide, although it would have been nice if he had occasionally paused to take a breath. I bet he would be a wicked didge player. Got ourselves onto the ferry, for the magical hour long crossing to Batam. About halfway across it started pissing down, so we sat under cover, while the locals asked Barney if he was David Beckham and got their photos taken with him.
We arrived in Batam, blagged our way through Immigration, hopped into the car and headed straight for the hotel. Ten minutes into the journey, Barney went to get something from his bag, when we remember that it is still at the ferry terminal with the porters there. Had to race back down to the ferry, bribe the porter chappy and try again.
We got to hotel and got Barney settled in to my lounge room and partook of a quick beer or two and some grub, we headed off to a local joint opposite the hotel, which was really nothing more than a shed, some plastic furniture, and some pretty al fresco toilet arrangements. After an undisclosed amount of beers and Barney falling off his chair, we adjourned to a pleasant seedy collection of bars on the seafront. Being about 2am by now on a Monday night, they were closed, but a load of the staff were sat outside a shop having a beer. As a couple of them recognised me, they called us over, and we had a beer with them. After half a bottle, they decided to open up the bar for us. We sat by the sea getting quietly mashed, while all the staff decide to go swimming. In the middle of the night. On a rocky beach well known for its cobra infestation. In a sea you could fry chips in. Barney and I did not join in. Bit of a grey area, memory-wise, but ended up back at hotel with a bundle more beers.

The usual rubbish, just a little more often. Please feel free to dig through the archives. There's some odd stuff, some utter crap, and some stuff that even worries me. But life is far too short to worry about it. Enjoy.